Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Stock market secrets

* Buy when stocks are low and sell when stocks are high. Look at the management before investing. The same holds good for mutual funds.

* Buy shares in a limit order and sell with a market order.

* While selling makes the plan and set the upper and lower threshold limit price which you will sell. Invest in shares for the long term for maximum returns.

* Invest in companies that don't have loans and debts. Invest in brand value company. Check the consistency of the last 5 years and check competitors.

* Prepare entry and exit plan before trading. Have discipline while trading.

* Don't invest more than 205 in a single investment. Make a master plan of how to trade.

* Diversify your investment to reduce risk, trade with trends (Current trends), don't listen to the news, listen to real news. Don't listen to the broker. Don't buy shares based on news.

* Buy shares in an uptrend and sell in down trends. If there is a demand, stock price moves up and if there is supply is more then stock falls.

* Exit blindly if the stop-loss triggers i.e if stock is going down.

* Invest in the stock market with a clear goal. Exit your position if your goal is achieved and don't be greedy. Don't have emotion with stocks or companies. Take your profits regularly.


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